Title of the project
Education and training measures in the biogas sector
Implementing company
Snow Leopard Projects GmbH, Reisbach
Biogas / renewable energies
Subsidy institution
sequa gGmbH, Bonn
Duration of the project
2015 – 2018
Content of the project
The aim of the project was to provide African stakeholders with general knowledge about biogas technology, knowledge about the safe and effective operation of modern biogas plants as well as know-how about their control, maintenance and repair. This made it possible to increasingly and sustainably use biogas as an alternative renewable energy form in African countries and to apply it in an economically and ecologically advantageous and safe way.
Effects relevant to development
In Kenya, the project has created structures that encourage and promote the further expansion of energy production using biogas. Comprehensive modern know-how on biogas technology has been sustainably anchored in the local partners involved in the project and serves as a basis for the positive development of this sector.
Benefits for the company
The company wants to expand further and sees great sales potential for its plants on the African continent. The company is aware that without carefully trained personnel for the planning and construction as well as the operation, control, maintenance and repair of such plants, market entry in the target countries is not possible.