Title of the project
Capacity development, certification and investment measures to increase production and improve quality of organic coconut flower sugar in Java
Implementing company
Flores Farm GmbH, Stuttgart
Subsidy institution
sequa gGmbH
Duration of the project
The objective of the project was to create the conditions for sustainable, environmentally sound and resource-saving production of coconut flower sugar by means of capacity building measures and investments in modern equipment, involving numerous small farmers and farming cooperatives, and to initiate fair national and international marketing of the product. To this end, existing artesanal processing capacities were modernised and new processing capacities were created.
Development-relevant impacts
The project has provided collectors of coconut flower sugar juice, small artesanal producers of the sugar, employees of the local partner company and pupils and students of related subjects with specific knowledge about the extraction and processing of coconut flower sugar, which has improved the occupational status and income opportunities of the target groups.
Benefits for the company
The company strives to expand its product range and is therefore always looking for innovative products with reliable suppliers. Thus, the company saw a great opportunity to further expand its international business activities by realizing the coconut flower sugar project in Indonesia.