Title of the project
Measures to maintain and expand organic soybean cultivation in southern Brazil
Implementing company
Cataratas do Iguaçu Productos Organicos Ltda., Capanema, Brazil
Subsidy institution
sequa gGmbH
Duration of the project
2015 – 2017
Content of the project
The aim was to encourage smallholders in southern Brazil to produce more organic certifiable soy. To this end, technological innovations were introduced and training measures were undertaken, which above all made work easier for soya farmers, reduced production risks and ultimately secured and increased their incomes.
Developmental impacts
The Brazilian economy benefits from the project by increasing the cultivation of organic soya. Positive social impacts were the creation of jobs and the securing of income, which counteracts the rural exodus. The environment is protected through the introduction of innovative soil cultivation techniques and the avoidance of chemical pesticides.
Benefits for the company
The project helped the company to achieve higher capacity utilisation and improved and more consistent quality of organic soy. As a result, sales increased and the company’s position on national and international markets was consolidated.